In Memory

Hank Duncan

Hank Duncan

Hank Duncan
It is with great sorrow that we tell you of the passing of Hank Duncan. 

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03/06/24 12:39 PM #5    

Debbie Hobbs (Siek)

I'm so sorry to hear of Hank's passing! He was such a good friend. I first met him when my dad coached Hank and his brother, Beau in baseball - The Redsox.  Such a polite and respectful young man. Many fond memories! RIP, Hank🙏🏻<>>

Debbie Hobbs

03/06/24 05:56 PM #6    

Paul Dally

Gone too soon. RIP Hank.

03/06/24 05:56 PM #7    

Linda Conley (Taylor)

Hank was my boyfriend freshman year. We stayed friends till I moved away. Just so sad he was a sweet guy. 

03/06/24 06:08 PM #8    

Kathy Alexander

My mouth dropped when I read this. Though I only saw Hank at reunions, I knew him as a sweet guy.....all the way back in elementary school. He appeared healthy, smiling most of the time. Were we in first grade together?  I think so. I'm at a loss for words. Rest peacefully dear Hank. Thank you for always being nice to me. Kathy

03/06/24 07:47 PM #9    

David McMillan

Shocked and saddened to hear of Hanks passing.  He was a very good friend dating back to Junior High School.  Hank lived with my family for a time as he was a victim of an alcoholic father.

RIP Hank.  Good memories.

03/07/24 05:35 AM #10    

Harper Jones

Very sorry to to see Hank's passing. I knew him all the way back to Alice Carlson. 

03/07/24 09:32 AM #11    

Chris Callaway

This is really sad as Hank possessed a genuine sense of humor.  I remember Hank starting at McLean and during the Paschal years.  His outgoing friendliness and quick wit made things like algebra bearable. 

Rest in peace.


03/07/24 04:44 PM #12    

Wild Bill Moore

RIP Hank,  you often made me laugh as you did many others

03/08/24 09:36 AM #13    

John Fletcher

Hank and I attended Alice Carlson Elementary, McLean, and Paschal together, and we played together - both Hank and his brother Beau - for one year of youth baseball on the KXOL Cubs team. He was really good and he was also a fast runner. Extremely fast!

One of my favorite memories of Hank was at Paschal when some guy said something mean to him. Hank just smiled and said, "And I love you, too!" When I asked him about his reply, he said that was how he preferred to respond to bullies.

What a nice guy!

I called Hank in November to tell him about this year's reunion and he said he didn't think he could make it. He had worked hard and succeeded in business and was looking forward to retiring and traveling. Unfortunately, his serious health issues were preventing him from enjoying his golden years.

We are all better people for having been Hank's friend.

03/09/24 02:48 PM #14    

Fay Evans (Evans-Martin)

So sad for Hank's family and friends. I also knew Hank from Alice Carlson Elementary through Paschal and he was always friendly and nice to me.  In elementary school, I remember the days he would walk home with me and other neighborhood kids along Cantey Street to University Drive, joking and making us laugh the whole way. 

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