R.L. Paschal High School
Class of 1969
"Turning 60" Birthday Bash
Our 60th Birthday Bash was a HUGE success!
We had a wonderful group of classmates at Oscar's Pub to celebrate each other's milestone birthday!
For those of you unable to join us, WE MISSED YOU!
Ned James orchestrated it all beautifully, music, videos, food, bar.
If you have not heard or seen Ned's 10 CD collection of
sounds from the 60's you're missing something great!
He had two screens going with videos of the 60's that took us back in time!
Kathy Alexander & her team transformed Oscar's
into a Purple & White Panther Den!
Jane Short, Ann Campbell Peck & Pam Steinert Ayres & volunteers
manned the check-in table and were first to see every classmate!
Virginia Hayes Presnell was our "sleuth" finding classmates,
taking photos and providing the delicious Birthday Cake!
Sue Jacobson Bailey ran the website.
Fay Evans-Martin & Noel Ice served as "Smiley's Party Pics"!
I hope someone got a photo of Noel up on the ladder taking an arial shot
of everyone in The Ollie Room and Fay holding the ladder and passing cameras to him!
Probably not, but you can imagine it, can't you?
Door Prize winners, "Heights Bites" buttons, Birthday Cake,
Jan Huff Taborsky's Birthday Girl Tiara...
enjoy the photos below!
Our generous UNDERWRITERS made it ALL possible!
For those who came, and those unable to come but DONATED so generously,
We thank you for a fabulous evening! We feel CELEBRATED!!