Panther Postings


Forum: Military Service?


Have you served in the Military?

Created on: 07/19/10 03:39 AM Views: 3304 Replies: 1
Have you served in the Military?
Posted Sunday, July 18, 2010 10:39 PM

I noticed Chris Callaway was the first classmate to indicate his Military Service on his profile (a little FLAG will be next to their name!) We'd be interested in hearing the stories of our classmates who have served our Country during the past 40 years. Thank you for your Service!

Edited 07/22/10 02:26 PM
New text space in each PROFILE for Military Story
Posted Saturday, May 21, 2011 09:28 AM

Each Profile has a question about "Military Service" and which branch of the military.

We have now added a text space below that question for you to tell about your experience. We hope you will go back into your profile and share this information with us.

In preparation for Memorial Day, we thought it would be appropriate to add a MILITARY SERVICE page to our website with the names and faces of our classmates who have served. Please add photos too.  Visit it at: MILITARY TRIBUTE

             God Bless You!  God Bless America!