20th Reunion

This was a remarkable year with our own 20th Reunion Directory!

Our thanks to Noel Ice and his 20 Year Reunion Committee:
Kathy Alexander, Leigh Ann Belcher Connally, Tom Black, Kirk Blackmon, Irwin Blum, Marsha Broyles Reynolds, Patti Clampitt, Debby Crow, Gail Duesenberg Henning, Floyd Earwood, Suzanne Etier, Tony Fackler Knight, Sidney Goldin, Robert Grace, Trey Harper, Mike Harrison, Terry Headrick, Carolyn Helm Barbolla, Judy Jahns, Howard Katz, Beverly Kostohryz Kellow, James Lair, Chris Marshall, Mathilde Maersch Leaverton, David Motheral, James Nader, Chuck Prill, Steve Pruitt, Hilton Queton, Cissy Ramsel Birdseye, Marvin Rodak, Pat Rose Lorimer, David Rubinson, Karen Sharp, Cynthia Slaughter, Cathey Spears Monroe, David Waters, Anne Whittington Harrison, Debbie Winn Schroeder, Mark York.

Each classmate was offered a page.  We could answer prepared questions or write about whatever was on our mind!

Sandy Walker Riney
6 Photos  4/6/14
Raschal Paschal
1 Photo  5/24/14
Deb Brumbalow Fry
4 Photos  5/24/14